1 April 2017

Lambing has started!

Today we finally started lambing having been on high alert since last Sunday! The day started at around 7.15 am when I crawled out of my tent to find Belle (one of the Portlands) starting to strain. She got the water-bag out about 8 but then nothing else seemed to be following. I had a feel around and found the lamb had it's head twisted round and lying against it's side - a position that means help is definitely needed. I tried to correct the head position but there was not enough space for me to hold the head and draw it forward. So we had to get the vet out and even she had difficulty, finally resorting to ropes to get it out. It was a very tight fit. We all thought it would probably not be alive but much to everyone's astonishment it was giving things a go. Below is pic of mother and son after a bit of a clean up!

Although he is a purebred Portland he has come out with a huge black patch over one eye so he won't be being kept for breeding (black patches are not allowed under the registration rules). We will probably castrate him in case we want to keep him for his wool.

The second lamb was born after lunch and was a bit of a surprise. Shetland first timer Grayling wasn't due until Monday but out popped a lovely ewe lamb with no problems at all. The only problem now is to get Grayling to let her feed. Currently we are having to hold Grayling to stop her turning in circles round the lamb. This lamb is a great-granddaughter to one of our first sheep Gyspy who is still going strong at the age of 14!

She is a very cute lamb with a white patch on her head, a white tail and white socks on her hind feet in addition to her underlying grey katmoget pattern.