Fred our cat has become poorly overnight. We had to take him to the vets this morning. He was very lethargic and wasn't purring when he was stroked. The vet said he was dehydrated. They have put him on a drip and ran some blood tests which suggest he has a liver infection. Poor Fred will be staying at the vets over the weekend. The prognosis is a bit uncertain because of his advanced age (18 years). We are all sad and worried.
Happier news now! We went the Spring Rare Breed Sale at York Livestock Centre and bought a pair of new chickens. They are Cochin chickens, gold laced colourway. They have feathered legs. They seem to be very calm and don't mind being handled. Here are a couple of pics of them.
Bottoms up!
Investigating their new home.
They are currently in the garden to isolate them from the rest of the chickens for a couple of weeks until we know they are disease free.