28 September 2017

Autumn Fruits

Had a bit of time today to take some pictures of the Autumn fruits in our hedgerows. A very abundant year for Hawthorn and Sloes but the blackberries seem to be mostly rotting rather than ripening. I will add in the crab apples when I next go to that part of the field!

Green Acorns


Hawthorn berries

Wild rose hips


21 September 2017

Brimham Rocks day out

Time flies when you are having fun (or just very busy!). Now the children are back at school I can catch up on blogging etc! During the summer holidays we had a lovely day out at Brimham Rocks, near Harrogate, North Yorkshire. The children had a rock climbing taster session. The son was up like a spider until his lack of height meant he couldn't reach the next holds! The daughter was more cautious and reach wasn't a problem but long legs and bony knees proved a challenge too! They both thoroughly enjoyed it and want to do more.

After the taster session we explored the rest of the site and played around on the fantastic rock formations.
Colour co-ordinated!

A new strata!

In a bit of a hole!

Let's see if I can push it off!
