25 September 2016

Etsy Shop opened

I am very excited, I have just opened an Etsy shop to sell my textile art. Please do visit it to see what I do and hopefully purchase something truly original! My Etsy shop name is Highfield Textiles.

16 September 2016

Departures and arrivals

Last weekend we went to the Melton Mowbray Rare Breed Sale. We took 5 sheep to sell, 4 Shetland shearling ewes and a Shetland shearling tup. We sold all the ewes but the tup didn't make his reserve so he came home again!

I entered various classes in the Shetland Sheep Society craft competition and won the cup for the best craft exhibit! Very pleased. Below is a pic of the winning item, my cardigan in 2 ply laceweight yarn.

While we were away on holiday 2 of our chickens died so we bought two new ones at Melton Sale. They are young Buff Sussex hens - pics below. Hoping they are good layers as most of the rest seem to have stopped at the moment!

2 September 2016


I have updated the list of talks I can give to local and regional groups about my textile work and about the sheep etc. Please see the talks page in the list to the right for details. I have added a new talk for 2017 about the embellished patchwork pieces I am currently working on.