28 March 2016

Flooded again

After such lovely weather on Friday, we had a few showers and the last night it rained non stop and we are back to square one with the flooding situation. I think we had about 60 mm of rain between about 6 pm yesterday and midday today.

This is state of the field and barn now. Not sure what I'm going to do as the barn is now way too wet for the sheep to be in.

And to cap it all my wellies have got holes in.....

First Lamb

First lamb arrived on Good Friday in glorious sunshine. Mum is Clarissa, one of our Portlands, she has had a ewe lamb (hurray!).

First pic - just arrived, second pic - standing, third pic - being held by daughter.

23 March 2016

Working on barn part 2

We did get the concrete into the door sill trench, but the day after there was torrential rain all day and this is what it looked like on 10th March...

We weren't supposed to have a moat!
We had taken the ewes due to lamb first down to the railway fields and they had to learn how to walk the plank to get in and out of the barn!

As you can see they are on an island, there is water all around and the rest of barn is still full of implements and other stuff that needs removing.

We have been working hard to clear the barn and to build a decking platform in one bay. The idea of this is that it will provide a dry place to store the food, supplies etc, while we are lambing and also provide me with a dry place to sleep!

Today it is very nearly completed and most of the rest of the barn is clear. The mud is still very sticky but at least it hasn't rained anymore.

Here are a couple of photos of the swelling ladies, a nosy Wensleydale and hungry ewes at the ring feeder.