29 January 2016

Swimming badge

Daughter got her 200m swimming badge today, having got her Stage 5 badge last week. Son got his 25m badge last week too. Very proud!

27 January 2016


We are all a bit sad today, as one of the chickens died yesterday evening. No obvious reasons, but as we don't know their ages it may have been old age.

20 January 2016

Winter Sun

Today has been a lovely, sunny, if rather chilly day, so I have been out with my camera. First a picture of the disused railway line that gives our land and the blog its name! You can just see our barn on the right and the pig arc in the field to the left

Secondly, the chickens enjoyed a little time outside their run in the sun.

And thirdly, the in-lamb ewes enjoying some new hay.

19 January 2016

New textile pieces

Here a couple of pics of the textile art pieces I am currently working on. They are for an exhibition by the textile Art group I belong to - Diverse Threads. The exhibition will be at the Atrium Gallery, Bexley Wing, St James's Hospital, Leeds during May, June and July.

Family Circles - detail, by Cluny Chapman
The pieces are part of a series that I am working on, using patchwork patches and threads from my late mother's stash and embroidery in the style of my grandmother. A tribute to all my ancestors involved in textiles.

Generations by Cluny Chapman
Further details on the exhibition will be posted on the Diverse Threads website www.diverse-threads.co.uk

18 January 2016

The Beginning

In the beginning.......

For the first post on this adventure I thought I would share a photo of the ice pattern on my windscreen this morning - as it is only the second hard frost of the winter. Looks a bit like feathers to me.

Over the next week or so I will try to introduce our various animals, when they allow me to take some decent photos!